And here we are with our 4th Mythological Rakhi tale. Read the story and enjoy our take on it via our photo shoot enacting the whole version! This blog is about the tale of Roxana and King Parus. Go ahead…It was the time when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 BC. Roxana was Alexander’s wife who was concerned about her husband’s well being and safety in the battlefields. Hence, as a solution she sent a ‘sacred thread’ to King Porus….
She asked Porus to not harm Alexander during the war. King Porus honored her request and decided not to harm her husband.
However by doing so, Porus would loose this battle, which eventually he did. But at the same time he gained Alexander’s request and honor.
In this way, Roxana protected her husband and also the whole army of her kingdom.
This was because of the thread that Roxana had sent to Porus which he treated of utmost honor. This is the bond and respect between a brother and sister! Great story!!
<<Story 5 coming up>>