If you love accessorizing yourself, you must be passionate about women handbags. You might not be aware that there are several varieties of handbags that are designed for different occasions. Many women change their handbags for different occasions because these are a great way to define their style statement. For some ladies, their style quotient is mocked simply because they have handbag mismatched with their dress. If you are confused in picking up the right handbag for the right occasion, you should read on the article. You will find some of the best tips to pick up different bags for different occasions. These will be certainly crucial in creating a style statement.
Two Categories Of Handbags:
There are two categories of handbags and these include the casual bags and the evening bags. There are again several versions under each category so that you can use different options for different purposes. The casual bags are fashionable and functional. On the other hand, the evening bags are meant for parties and other events.
Tips To Choose The Casual Bag:
Satchels- These are somewhat structured bags that offer maximum space, and they come with double handles. These are convenient to carry documents, lunch box, money and makeup items.
Bucket bags- These bags come in the shape of a bucket and they are quite spacious. They come with a single handle.
Tote bags- These are mainly popular as beach bags and they can accommodate anything like sunblocks, towels and other goodies.
Hobo bags- These are classic bags that come in a crescent shape. They are ideal for weekend gateways for casual shopping.
Backpacks- With the advent of the laptops, these bags are very popular, and they are a common choice for carrying laptops in the office. Along with holding the laptop, they can also hold many other things and they are ideally suited for professional purposes.
Wristlets- These are quite similar to clutches, and they come with a short strap, which can be easily wrapped around the wrist. These come in a plethora of beautiful designs and colors.
Sling & Clutches bags- These are the top favorites among the college goers and teenagers. These are worn across the body and enhance the style statement of the user. In addition to that, these bags also make the hands free for easy movement.
Tips To Choose The Evening Bag:
Clutch- This is a small purse that comes with a strap, and it can accommodate only some essential items ranging from cosmetics, mobile phones and other small sized items. These are ideal for parties and weddings.
Minaudiere- This is a type of ornamental clutch that comes embellished with gems and rhinestones. These are also very popular in the recent years.
Envelope bag- The bag is shaped like an envelope and does not come with any strap. It is often idea for official dinners and movies.
Therefore, with a huge array of design, styles and prints, you can easily choose your handbag suitable for the occasion. It will redefine your elegance and personality like never before.