She is suave. She is sublime. She is powerful. She is a woman of 21st century. Artist Shilo Shiv Suleman of Banguluru, India started a campaign called ‘Fearless’ where she invited artists across India to present their ideas on women power. Shilo writes, “We also need to keep reaffirming fearlessness and channel all this energy somewhere. We need to keep going out at night, taking public transport, wearing what we want, dancing, singing, being beautiful.”

Inspired by her, we too thought of contributing towards this inner awareness. With time, many have forgotten that though she is feminine and shy always, she is also fearless. To spread the same message, in this blog we will display Quirky Saree prints from creating illustrations which show women fearless.


Over the years she has been asked to be careful while traveling and moving in public transport. The fear of being held at knife and physical assaults is what she is taught. But this hasn’t stopped her. She is traveling, moving, flying at a faster pace than man. The same idea has been displayed in this IWS quirky saree.

People think she can be fooled. People are multi-faced but woman with her gifted 6th sense has the ability to detect and avoid the wrong happenings around her. Mothers are its biggest example. This human-face motif on IWS saree displays this fearlessness of woman.

Walking through the dark passageways, showing no signs of nervousness or apprehension – she is the woman of today. She is starting revolutions, opening schools and fostering new generations. This fearless woman is now operating many top MNCs from top floors and top positions. Awake the fearless woman in you with this IWS saree.

The idea behind showing this IWS saree was simple – to portray our ancestors who respected women like Goddess during their era. In almost every culture, women were taken of higher decree and today, we should not forget the same.

Woman is fragile. She is easily hurt but still believes in standing tall. This Salwar Kameez with quirky pot-prints displays this very nature of woman.

It’s time for Dynamic Woman to step up and show the world what she is made of. She is constantly moving and evolving. The Wheel in the Salwar Kameez displays this idea.

Every woman has a dream and because she is fearless, she is walking on a path to make this dream come true. And all this while she is leaving her footprints, her mark, as a mark of her glory. This quirky Salwar Kameez presents this idea.

She is aware of the fact that she is beautiful and she is not afraid to show  it. So what, if stereotypes have a different vision towards this, she never hides herself from the world. The woman-motif on the saree speaks just this.

Man is a self-boosting person just like a Peacock. He is not ready to admit that he has a strong competition in form of a woman. On the other hand, she has already proved herself! Animal prints in form of quirky prints are quite popular this season. Get more of them at IWS website.

Don’t mistake her Red Bindi with a sign of a just another housewife. She is fearless and determined to get what she aspires for. She might be sitting at home, handling the household chores, but she is the pillar of this home. The target-motifs on this Salwar Kameez are displaying the same.


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